Junior Grading and Team Selection Policy

Following feedback from members and a review of team performances over the past couple of seasons, the Club is proposing to undertake player grading under the following circumstances: 

  • under 12 – U17 (boys) U18 (girls) age groups;
  • Where there are enough players to form two teams in the one age group, the players will be graded based on their skills, size, confidence and football maturity.

The players will then be split into two teams having regard to the suitability of the players to participate in the relevant divisions and the Club’s desire to field two competitive teams. On this basis it is expected that the majority of the more competent players but not necessarily all the better player will be in the higher graded team.

 Team selection

The teams will operate as separate teams (i.e. not considered a first vs seconds). Notwithstanding this, it is encouraged that the two teams will train together and that the coaches will cooperate during the selection process and in the sharing of players throughout the season should a team be short of players.

 Ideally, the teams should have an equal number of players to ensure that all players in the age group have access to equal playing opportunities.

In order to determine the formation of multiple teams, the two coaches should:

  Observe all players during a pre-season ‘try-out’ period*;

  •  liaise with the previous year’s coaches (if necessary);
  •  agree the proposed composition of the two teams; and
  •  forward the team lists to the Committee for approval.

  * The Club will determine a try-out period. Prior to the try-outs, the coaches shall develop player assessment guidelines to assist them with the team selection process. The Guidelines must be approved by the Executive committee and shall be made available to parents and players prior to the commencement of the try-outs.

 Support staff

 The Club greatly appreciates the time and effort of our many volunteers, including the coaches and their support staff (i.e. assistant coaches, team managers, runners and trainers). Where a single side exists in an age group, the support staff should be confirmed as soon as possible and definitely before pre-season training commences.

Where multiple teams exist, it is important that coaches take in establishing support staff having regard to the likely and most suitable team for their players. Supporting staff roles should not be finalised until the teams are selected: players should not be selected based on the roles their parents may undertake in the Club, or indicated they will undertake within a specific team; rather they should be selected based on the team most suitable for their skills and ability.


It is anticipated that the teams will be finalised three weeks prior to the first game.


Team selection is not an exact science and requires consideration of a range of factors.

Coaches will be provided with selection guidelines to ensure that players are placed in the most appropriate teams having regard to their skill level.

The coaches will provide feedback on areas of improvement to all players in the second side within two weeks of the announcement of the teams.

Any person who feels aggrieved should first raise the matter with the relevant coaches and or team managers. If the matter can not be resolved at that level, the matter may be referred to the Club Secretary prior to Round 3. (Note EFL rules make it difficult to move players after Round 3) for consideration in accordance with the Club’s dispute policy.

 Too many players

 The Club may have multiple teams in the same age group. Depending on the number of players who register in subsequent years it may be necessary to consolidate the teams into a single team.

Should this be the case the Club will endeavour to accommodate all players. No new players will be accepted into the higher team until this process has been completed. If there are still too many players from the previous season, the players will be selected in the following order:

 1. Players who have a sibling playing with the Club;

2. Players whose parents have made a significant contribution to the Club in past years (i.e. coach, assistant coach, team manager, runner, trainer, committee person or other persons deemed by the Committee to have made a significant contribution to the Club in past years);

3. Players who have played the most years with the Club;

4. If necessary, priority will then be given to those players who have played the most games with the Club.